Friday 28 February 2014


I always believe that there are reasons behind what we dream. Be it what the heart desires or yearns or hopes for. 

A couple nights ago, I was having one of my strange dreams where things don't make sense at all - sometimes paramount to what my life feels like. In the middle of the dream I got a call on my mobile.

It was from an old friend, who now lives in Australia. You see we had a misunderstanding back last year and haven't spoken since and she rang to say she had been reading this blog and just wanted to get back in touch.

We both talked over each other, apologising for the misunderstanding and then chatted away like nothing had happened.

Is it a hope? A sign for the future? I don't know at all but I know it felt good to hear her voice.

Being stubborn I don't know if I could or should make the first move or do I just see if fate means we are destined to be friends again. Then again, how do I know that she would want to talk to me too?