Monday 1 January 2018

Angel Card Reading

I had angel card reading done on the 27th November by a lady called Rosie.

This is what came up. The numbers I chose were 10, 12 and 19.

Card 10 was "The wheel"
Card 12 was "Awakening"
Card 10 was "The Sun"

The wheel card showed that growth, expansion and success was on route for me. Things can be difficult but the wheel was there to remind me life goes through phases. The angels were not trying to push me but guiding me through powerful life lessons to make me stronger.

I needed to accept the bad times right then and just take them as life lessons. There were a lot of factors causing disruption right then and it felt as though life was just dishing things willy nilly. The angels advice was for me is if I couldn't change a situation then to not stress about it. Focus on aspects of my life that I can change. Remember what goes around comes around and karma will get those who don’t deserve. My 360 life change was on route so cling on right now. Don’t dwell just appreciate the good things.

The awakening card was there because I had a chance to move forward and on with my life but first I had to awaken my past and release it. I had reached a ‘knowingness’ to my surroundings. Trust my gut and my higher self. I know the answers. I would have or will have epiphany in the next few weeks to free me of current situations. I will come to the realisation about what changes I need to make in my life to be on the path of my destiny.

I will get rewarded for my hard work so don’t worry about that. Balance priorities right now and it will help. Great success is to come with the angel card. I could expect the dawning of brilliant new ideas that will lead to wonderful opportunities. I will get public recognition of work linked in the next few months.

I need to build my confidence and treat myself with the same love I would give my child. It showed I'm far too hard on myself and I need to be open to new opportunities and don’t stress it, just move forward and relax, everything will fall in to place.

At the time, it didn't make sense but as things happened that I outlined in my previous post, the reading became clear.

So for 2018, I will always trust my instinct and accept the things that have happened. I have tried reaching out and offering an olive branch and was met by a wall of silence. So I am going to move forward and hope karma pays a visit.

It says more about them and their actions, than it does about me. I am going to focus on the people who do love me and want me in their lives and not on those who walked away.

2018 will hopefully see me come into my own.

Always trust your instincts and believe that everything happens for a reason and if it doesn't make sense at the time, it will do in the days, weeks or months that follow.