Saturday 8 February 2014

An Update

Yesterday I was going to write a blog post about pregnancy, being broody, being desperate for another baby but knowing it wouldn't be possible. I have friends and family around me having babies or announcing pregnancies and I am utterly over the moon about it for them. I am enjoying revelling in their pregnancies and newborns. I was, still am, wishing it was me.

However, yesterday I was in a car accident. I am shaken to the core. I can't believe I have walked away without physical injuries. My car took the brunt of it and my first instinct was to prevent another car hitting the side where princess was sitting which meant the cat had to substain injury to protect her.

I can feel old friends reappearing in the name of anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, fear etc and yes, I should celebrate that I can recognise them but I also feel that I'm losing control. I know it was only yesterday but again I'm looking on the outside in.

I have some amazing friends who it feels have thought nothing more of being there for me. I love you all, you are the best. A girl can never have too many friends! 
