Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Charity Work

After the eldest died, we threw ourselves into raising money and awareness of his heart condition and now obviously do it for both boys.

Saturday night we had an event and my friend's mum cornered me before the start and told me how proud she was of me. She is like a mum to me too and to hear her say that meant more than she will ever know.

She said how proud of me she is for picking myself up and doing everything that I do and hopes one day, there will be enough research for us all to know why and how to make things better.

She told me that she knew my boys would be proud of me too.

It's heart-warming to hear it as sometimes, even though I do know, its nice to hear that people are proud of you. I can look back now and see how far I have travelled. Don't get me wrong, I know that there is a long way ahead.

Bit like this picture:

I say that because as Mother's Day approaches I am not consumed with making a million memories, I am content with letting them happen. Last year, it was my first ever Mother's Day with an earth baby and it felt important to make it special. And it was.

This is I am happy to be with my husband, princess and visit the boys and feel whole for as long as we are there.