Saturday, 12 May 2012


Eldest's 3rd Birthday.

It doesn't get any easier, no matter how much time has passed. However, rather than focus too much on the sadness, I love to celebrate his birthday.


For without his birth, I would never be who I am today. He shaped me. 

From the moment he was conceived. 

To the moment we were told he was a boy

To the moment we were told he was a heart baby

From the moment he was born

From the countless triumphs from when he was in hospital

From the moment he came home

... From the moment he died...

You see, when I write that and say that, I have the biggest smile on my face, until I get to the last moment. Then I am sad.

Today we had a lovely day as a family, we took them balloons and the cheeky monkeys 'stole' them from under our noses to whisk them up to Heaven. How we laughed. They got caught in over head wires so are still there. Another sign that they are always there!

I made a cake for him, we read some cards. We went for lunch and celebrated his life. Yes there was sadness but also much happiness for the most gorgeous 3 year old Heaven has right now!

Happy Birthday Baby xx