Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Becoming a first time mummy :-)

They say that a woman becomes a mum the minute she finds out she is pregnant and a man becomes a dad when the child is born.

I found out I was pregnant in September 2008 after 3 long months of trying. I always wanted to be a mummy you see, never really had any other aspirations, just wanted to be a mummy and here I was, a mummy, to the smallest thing in the world; but it was my small thing, one half me.

I had a relatively easy first trimester. I was tired a lot, it didn't help that I had literally just started a new job. I always felt sick but was never sick.

In January 2009, we (my husband and I) learnt at our 20 week scan that our baby (which we found out was a boy) was going to have a problem with his heart. Minor they said. One small operation and it will be fixed. So they said. They named it Coarctation of the Aorta. They also said it may be a sign of a chromosome disorder called DiGeorge's Syndrome or 22q deletion. Funny (not as ha ha but funny - weird), that now, as I look back, I think I was more upset about the chromosome disorder than the heart problem. Maybe because they said they could fix the heart.

A repeat scan at 28 weeks showed that perhaps it was more severe with something called Aortic Stenosis and possibly the first one too. Repeat scan booked for 36 weeks.

As the 36 week scan came around, I remember feeling fed up, feeling huge and that I had had enough of being pregnant. I was going to that appointment with the bags in the car... just in case they would induce me. After all, I am hugely emotional and pregnant.

The bags came home again. The heart function had changed again. They were going to discuss inducing me as the scans were showing he already was a good size.

I got the call the following morning.... I was being induced in 4 days time! Yipppppeeeeeeeee!!!! Going to meet my boy!

I was induced into labour 3 weeks and 2 days early. I had a show the night before and the first examination showed I was already 1cm dilated. 22 llllooooooonnnnggggg hours later, epidural and forceps, he was born.

I was a mummy :-)